The concerts of Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul Samad are rare without the Internet, an application that contains the most beautiful external parties in which Sheikh Abdul Basit read and excelled in different readings.Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul Samad used to read in many forums around the world, from Egypt and the Arab world to Europe and America, and he had a good, melodious voice that entertained the listeners.The application works without the Internet completely, just download the application for the first time and it will work with you without the need for the Internet at any time and anywhere.We remind you of some of the surahs included in the application:* Surat Maryam and Takweer with the readings* Surah Q* Surah Al-Haqqah* Surah Yassin complete* Surah At-Takwir* When Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul Samad cried* Surah Luqman* Surat Al-Dhariyat, Al-Shiqaq, and Al-Mutaffifin* Surat Q and Al Ghashi